Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Privacy Policy


What information does the Application obtain and how is it used?

The Application obtains the information you provide when using the application and stores this locally your device. This is not transmitted or stored online.
Automatic Data Collection and Advertising
In the free version of the application, we work with advertisers and third party advertising networks, who need to know how you interact with advertising provided in the Application which helps us provide the application for free. Advertisers and advertising networks use some of the information collected by the Application, including, but not limited to, the unique identification ID of your mobile device and your mobile telephone number. To protect the anonymity of this information, we use an encryption technology to help ensure that these third parties can’t identify you personally. These third parties may also obtain anonymous information about other applications you’ve downloaded to your mobile device, the mobile websites you visit, your non-precise location information (e.g., your zip code), and other non- precise location information in order to help analyze and serve anonymous targeted advertising on the Application and elsewhere. 
If you’d like to opt-out from third party use of this type of information to help serve targeted advertising, please visit the section entitled “Opt-out” below. 

What are my opt-out rights?

Opt-out of all information collection by uninstalling the Application: You can stop all collection of information by the Application easily by uninstalling the Application. You may use the standard uninstall processes as may be available as part of your mobile device or via the mobile application marketplace or network. 



This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time for any reason. We will notify you of any changes to our Privacy Policy by posting the new Privacy Policy here. You are advised to consult this Privacy Policy regularly for any changes, as continued use is deemed approval of all changes. 

Monday, 15 April 2013

Capitals Quiz


Test your knowledge about the worlds capital cities with this Educational quiz; consists of all countries and capitals in the world.
There are 22 levels (each on getting more difficult) to get through. Once you have answered correctly this unlocks a fact page about each country/capital.
The fact page shows where this capital is on a map, what currency they use, population of country as well as many many more informative facts; so this is a great revision and study tool.

Getting Started

When you first launch the application you will be greeted with a page showing all levels. All but the first level will be locked.

As you progress through the levels this will unlock other levels.

Select any of the unlocked levels to play this level.

Play a Level

Once you have selected a level to play this will show a list of countries within this level:

Select the country and submit your answer:

If you answer incorrectly you will stay on the same screen to try again. If you answer correctly you will be redirected to an fact page.

Fact Page

The fact page has lot of information about the country and capital that you have just answered.

You are shown the location of the capital; you can zoom in and out and pan around this map.
You are also given the following facts in the bottom scrollable section:

  • Flag
  • Country Name
  • Capital Name
  • Distance Away (miles)
  • Distance Away (km)
  • Population
  • Nationality (Singular)
  • Nationality (Plural)
  • Currency
  • Currency Code
  • Region
  • Time Zone
  • Current Time
  • Internet Domain

Correct Answers
Once you have selected the OK button on the facts page you are redirected back to the countries for the current level you are answering. 

Correct answers have a green background, a tick; and the answer is also shown.

Incorrect answers have a red background and a cross

Answers that not have been attempted are shown with a grey background. 


As you progress through the levels a progress is indicated on the initial levels screen as shown below:

A level is unlocked if it appears with a white background with an unlocked padlock.

It is locked if it appears with a grey background with a locked padlock

The progress bar also indicated the number of complete answers in each level.

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Parking Reminder

Parking Reminder is a small, intuitive and easy-to-use application. Designed to be able to add an unlimited amount of map pins...you'll never get lost again!

Find you back to any location.
If you are in unfamiliar territory, put a pin in the map;
then at a later point recall the pin and get pointed back to your original location.

Ideal if you have parked a car or are staying in a hotel on your travels or vacation in unfamiliar territory.

Parking becomes easy. Take the stress out of finding your way back to your hotel.
You can also pre-pin locations so you can easily find  them. Make sure you are never late for another appointment again. Quite Simply never get lost again.

1. Creating a Pinned Location

The first time you launch Boomerang List you will see the following screen:

To create your first pinned location, select the 'Add New Location' button. You should then see the following screen.

The map will be located to where you currently are. You can pan around the map by dragging it about, you can also zoom in and out by using the pinch gesture and a reverse pinch. So set you location you can tap the map or drag the red pinning icon to where you want the location to be.

You will also notice that you must give the location a name. Enter a name into the text box and the 'OK' button becomes available as shown below

When you select the 'OK' button this will save the current location and return you back to the main menu.

You can create as many location as you like.

To edit a location you do a long press over the location and a quick action menu will appear, as shown below.

Fro the quick action menu you can:

  • Edit the location (this allows you change location and name of location)
  • Delete location
  • Get Pointed to location from where you are currently at (Also achieved through tap of location)
To get pointed back to a location you either tap a location or select the option from the quick action bar. This will open the following screen:

The pointing arrow will point you in the correct direction from wherever you have positioned the map. The map by default will be at your current location.

Saturday, 6 October 2012


Boomerang is a small, intuitive and easy-to-use application. Designed to be able to add an unlimited amount of map pins...you'll never get lost again!

Find you back to any location.
If you are in unfamiliar territory, put a pin in the map;
then at a later point recall the pin and get pointed back to your original location.

Ideal if you have parked a car or are staying in a hotel on your travels or vacation in unfamiliar territory.

Parking becomes easy. Take the stress out of finding your way back to your hotel.
You can also pre-pin locations so you can easily find  them. Make sure you are never late for another appointment again. Quite Simply never get lost again.

1. Creating a Pinned Location

The first time you launch Boomerang List you will see the following screen:

To create your first pinned location, select the 'Add New Location' button. You should then see the following screen.

The map will be located to where you currently are. You can pan around the map by dragging it about, you can also zoom in and out by using the pinch gesture and a reverse pinch. So set you location you can tap the map or drag the red pinning icon to where you want the location to be.

You will also notice that you must give the location a name. Enter a name into the text box and the 'OK' button becomes available as shown below

When you select the 'OK' button this will save the current location and return you back to the main menu.

You can create as many location as you like.

To edit a location you do a long press over the location and a quick action menu will appear, as shown below.

Fro the quick action menu you can:

  • Edit the location (this allows you change location and name of location)
  • Delete location
  • Get Pointed to location from where you are currently at (Also achieved through tap of location)
To get pointed back to a location you either tap a location or select the option from the quick action bar. This will open the following screen:

The pointing Boomerang will point you in the correct direction from wherever you have positioned the map. The map by default will be at your current location.

Wednesday, 10 August 2011


1. Create a Project
2. Edit Project Details
3. Open a Project
4. Delete a Project
5. Add a Task
6. Edit a Task Details
7. Complete a Task
8. Delete a Task
9. View Reports

Cost-It is a small, intuitive and easy-to-use application. The basic idea is that you define a project (and optional budget), its tasks and associated costs (estimated, actual, and how much you have paid). You then know how much the project is estimated to cost you; how much the project has actually cost you; and how much you have paid and have left to pay.
If you planning on getting married, have some DIY projects to cost out and track; or are planning your latest vacation then this is the application for you.

You can also check tasks off as done so you know the completion status of each project in terms of tasks complete and how much money has been spent and still needs to be spent.
This application is ideal for Wedding planning, DIY Projects, Vacation Planning. No Project is too big or small.

 0. Configuring Cost-It

You can configure this application to use up to three additional custom attributes for a task.
From the main projects screen select the menu button.
This will load the Preferences page. From here you can enable up to three attributes and give them a name.
This feature is useful if you have custom values you want to track such as tax, shipping or resale value.
This feature is only available from version 1.3.

 1. Creating a Project

The first time you launch Cost-It you will see the following screen:

To create your first Project, tap on the add icon at the top right of the screen. This will open up the Edit Project dialog as shown below:

Within this dialog you can enter the name of the project and the size of the budget (if required)
To confirm you want to create the project tap on the OK button. This will take you to the task management screen where you can add, edit and delete tasks from within your project.

To go back to the projects screen tap on the back button.

2. Edit Project Details

To edit the project, from the projects screen tap on the project and a quick action bar will appear as shown below:

Tap on the Edit Project option, this will open Edit Project Dialog where the details can be modified.

You can also edit the project details from the tasks page, by selecting the edit icon to the right of the project name.
3. Open a Project

To open the project and edit the projects tasks, you tap on the project so the Quick Action Bar appears. You then Tap on Edit Tasks option.

Alternatively you can swipe across project, from left-to-right or right-to-left.

This will open the page to edit tasks.

4. Delete a Project

To delete a project you tap on the project to open up the Quick Action Bar.

You then tap on the Delete option.

A confirmation dialog box will appear to ask if this is what you really want to do. Select either OK or Cancel.

5. Add a Task

To create a Task, tap on the add icon at the top right of the screen. This will open up the Edit Task dialog as shown below:

Within this dialog you can enter the name of the task, the estimated cost, the actual cost; and how much you have paid so far.

Tap on the OK button to save this information.

6. Edit a Task

To edit the task, from the tasks screen tap on the Task and a quick action bar will appear as shown below:

Tap on the Edit option, this will open Edit Task Dialog where the details can be modified.

7. Complete a Task

You have two options for checking/unchecking a task.
1) Select Check from the Quick Action Bar
2) Swipe over the Task from left-to-right or right-to-left.

8. Delete a Task

To delete a Task you tap on the Task to open up the Quick Action Bar.

You then tap on the Delete option.

A confirmation dialog box will appear to ask if this is what you really want to do. Select either OK or Cancel. 

9. View Reports

To view reports for this project you select the Report Summary Tab at the bottom of the tasks screen.
The following screen will appear:

If you like this application then please give us a good rating.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Simple List

Simple List Free is a small, intuitive and easy-to-use application. Designed to be able to create an unlimited amount of lists...you'll be organised before you know it!
Within each list you can add many entries, rank them them and check them off as completed.
Can be used for grocery lists, check lists, packing list, basically whereever there is a need for a list you can use Simple List. If all you want to do is manage lists without the bells and whistles then this is the
application for you.

1. Creating a List

The first time you launch Simple List you will see the following screen:

To create your first list, enter the name of the list in the text box at the bottom of the screen. You should then select the add button or press the return key:

The Edit List Screen will then be opened:

You can add as many items to the list as you like by entering them into the text box at the bottom of the screen. As with adding lists you select the add button or press the return key to add an item to the list. 

2. Quick Actions

You can select any List or List-Item by using a Long Press and a quick action bar will appear:

The options available are:
  • Edit (List Only)
  • Check/Uncheck (List-Item only)
  • Remind (List-Item only)
  • Send (List Only)
  • Delete
  • Rename
  • Move Up
  • Move Down

3. Gestures

A Single tap will open up a list.

A Long press will open the quick action bar

If you swipe across a List-Item it will check or uncheck this swiped List-Item.

If you like this application then please give us a good rating.